Frégault Park

Located in the Chomedey district, this park has all of its equipment quite close together, making it easy-ish if you’ve got kids of varying ages. But are kids every REALLY easy? Ahahahaha. No.
Older kids can climb the tall cable structure, swing, or spin on one of the vomit-inducing stand-up spinners. That’s about it for them.
Just steps away are baby swings, a red….doodad climber thing, some cute spring riders, and a play structure.
With easy-to-climb stairs, three slides, pods to cross, and ropes to climb, there’s enough here to entertain a couple of toddlers. 

Things to note:
-It’s very sunny
-Everything is on sand
-There is SOME fencing, though it’s completely open along the road
-The large grass area holds a skating rink in winter and soccer field in the summer. 

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