Pépin Park

Renovated in 2016, this playground has two play areas for different aged kids, new benches and a picnic table, and a couple of fun play structures. 

For the littles there’s the bright blue climber with slides, ladders, a bumpy slide to climb and the ground-level “magasin”. 
Nearby are two sand shovels, and four baby swings. 

Older kids will like the large cable climber which is smack in the middle of everything, and the play structure has lots of rungs and ladders as well as a slide. Six adult swings and a stand-up spinner make up the rest of the equipment.

Without any trees or shrubs in the way it’s easy to watch kids in all the different areas, I just wish the toddler section had swapped places with the older kids section just so that it was further from the road. 

Things to note:
-There is no shade.
-The playground is fenced but not gated, and the area for kids 18months-5years is near-ish the road. 
-All the equipment is on sand.
-A chalet is nearby, but had some maintenance going on so I couldn’t get a pic of the opening times for the bathroom. Sorry!
-There’s a drinking fountain in the playground. 

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