Coursol Park

This itty-bitty neighbourhood park had a pretty cool secret (Thanks Stefani!)
A map turtle had buried their eggs smack in the middle of the playground, and some (very smart) people had made a fence around their nest with a sign. Come back to visit around August 12th, 2016 and you might just witness them hatching!

My guys stood in front of the little fence asking “Now? How about now? Will they hatch today? Now?” then not seeing any activity they bounded off to explore the two play structures. 

Actually, FIRST they waited while I cleaned up the remnants of someone’s midnight party (beer bottles and curiously, lotto scratch tickets. None were winners.) The park could also use a visit from Pierrefonds and a roto-tiller as the weeds are threatening to take over the sand. 

THEN they bounded off. There are two small GameTime climbers, very close to each other in the sand. One has stairs, slides, a “jail” window and ladder. And once again, an activity panel that’s been installed backwards. If you’re up IN the climber the animals don’t match up. ?? And if you’re down in the sand, well, then you can’t reach them. Bizarre. 
The climber for older kids has sky wheels, through-the-air steps, a slide and ladders. 
The rest of the playground has a couple of big and baby swings, and a cute whale spring rider. We had our snack on the picnic table overlooking the waterfront (which seems to be someone’s private boat launch). 

Fully fenced, but with a wide open gate, the park should have some shade throughout the day. 

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