Marier Park

This was our second time here, because when we first visited (back in 2015!) there was SO MUCH water that it was impossible to get to most of the equipment. 
This time, it hadn’t rained in 2 days, but the sand here was still really quite wet. But at least there wasn’t standing water everywhere.

So much water in 2015:

This park is fenced and bordered by houses on two sides, while being open to the street. It is in FULL sun with just one tree for shade and has a couple of benches and a picnic table near the climbers. 

The big climber from Miracle Recreation has a few ways to climb up with ladders, a swinging tensile rope wall, and a rock climbing wall. And while there are stairs going from the platform to the twirly slide, there are no actual stairs to get TO the platform. There’s also the adorable Big Timber Hollow Log Slide with its little critters and a Typhoon twirly slide. 

Just beside, and also on sand, is the toddler climber. And frustratingly, this climber also doesn’t have stairs. My 2.5 was able (with help) to get up the Honeycomb wall and the Tot Rock Climber, and there are some metal rungs and ladders, but that’s it. If you can get them up, there are slides and some place to walk around. 

The rest of the park has two baby and two adult swings and a seesaw. 
This park could use some landscaping and more trees, and there’s so much greenspace a splash pad would be nice.
Oh wait! There is a splash pad but they built it 300 metres down the road. Bizarre. You can check out the “des Tilleuls” splash pad HERE!

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