Ballantyne Park

The little one and I visited here after dinner on what had been a sweltering day. I was surprised that we were the only ones at the park as it was super nice out, but we had a great time exploring all the different climbers and toys by manufacturers Miracle Recreation, Kompan, and Playworld.
In the various sand sections, and surrounded by mature trees, there’s an elephant swing, Kompan’s Supernova wheel where kids can balance and turn, four big and six baby swings, a stand-alone tunnel slide, one duck spring-rider, and a big-kid and toddler climber.

The older big-kid climber has some pretty hazardous steep stairs with ridiculously crappy handrails and is very open once you’re up. It would be fine for older kids, which is who it’s aimed at of course, but the little guy desperately wanted to drive the steering wheel so I guided him up and held onto him tightly.

More for his age range is the Flippopotamus toddler climber from Miracle Recreation. It’s made much easier with stairs, dinosaur tic-tac-toe, a bumpy slide/climber, tube slide, and a Honeycomb wall; but still with open parts so he needed supervision on the platforms.

We checked out the (open) bathrooms and then watched a diving competition at the awesome looking pool. Sooooo jealous of Dorval’s pools with their twirly slides!
We had a fun evening puttering around here and relaxing after a hot day. Hard to tell how much shade there’d be during the day, but there are mature trees along the south side of the playground so I’m guessing there would be some shade at least over the toddler climber and baby swings.

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