This is a beauty of a park. With shiny new equipment, there is a lot here to entertain both toddlers and older kids.
The different play structures from GameTime have all sorts of different way to climb and slide, including the cute sprout climbers, a rock wall, and all sorts of ladders. The large climber has colourful slides, and “trees” to cross, while the toddler climber has stairs and a little slide on one side, and more challenging ladders and boulders to clamber up.
You’ll find four different kinds of swings here: baby, adult, an adaptive swing (though on sand), and the Expression Swing so you can swing together with your baby or little one. Probably not a 5-year old 😉
Off to the side is the cutest turtle (tortoise?) climber with different images on his body.
I appreciated that the play equipment is great for all ages, and that everything is in the same area for easy playing if you have kids of different ages. And it’s all pretty.
In the rest of the park you’ll find: picnic tables, a lovely gazebo with benches, a drinking fountain, bike racks, a small basketball court, pétanque, and horseshoes. There is apparently also a small sledding hill in winter.
Things to note:
-There is a lovely looking chalet with bathrooms that are supposed to unlock automotically from 9am-8pm, but they weren’t working (and the city worker at the park did not have a key.) But they should usually be open during those times.
-There was some shade on the play areas, and there are plenty of mature trees with deep shade nearby.
-There is no fencing. Everything is on sand.
-The easiest parking and playground access is from the mini parking lot right on rue Vianney.
-You can read more about this park’s renovations HERE.