Michel-Legault Park

Good thing Senneville had an address on their website, because this park was not showing up on Google Maps, and I would never have thought to look down this street. 

Glad we went in search of it though, because it was a cute little playground with a new-to-us Husson play structure. 
Geared towards older kids, it’s challenging to get up to the bridge, so I hoisted up the 5-year old so he could try it out. He was very tentative and slowly made his way across, declaring himself an “expert” once he got to the end. 
In the surrounding sand is a small wood and rope climber, a slide structure (no stairs), and a wood balance beam.
Past the tree and picnic table is an older metal climber, a stand/sit spinner, a balance skateboard, and the  Xccent Play X-Wave wiggly balance beam. Which is apparently super fun to run across and fly off the end of. 😉

As a weird aside, while we were there someone came looking for Les Jardins Carya, which is past the park, and to ask me directions, they drove into the park and ACROSS THE SOCCER FIELD. TWICE! 
Who does that?!?

Things to note:
-Were there no adult swings? I don’t think there were any adult swings. huh. 
-Everything is on sand.
-There should be good shade throughout the day as there are gorgeous trees around and in the middle of the playground. 
-There’s not a lot to do for toddlers.
-The rest of the park has a beach volleyball court, and soccer/baseball field.

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