Colborne, Ontario – The Big Apple!

We were on a road trip to Southwestern Ontario, and instead of driving 8 hours in one day, I had the brilliant idea to stop halfway in Cobourg and stay overnight (Cobourg review HERE!)
Colborne and The BIG Apple is the exit BEFORE Cobourg, so we got off here, had one heck of a fun time, and then drove the back roads to our hotel. 
I’m basically putting this review here as The Big Apple is a GREAT pit stop if you’re on the 401 to Toronto. It’s just off the highway at exit 497, has tons of parking, great food, and lots of room to walk around and things for the kids to do. 
There’s a petting farm with sheep, a llama, goats, ducks, chicken, and bunnies. There’s a dog-friendly area with picnic tables set up outside (no outside food allowed).
And for activities there’s a mini-train that I’ve never actually seen running, a huge mini-golf course, shuffleboard, ping pong tables, and of course, you can actually go INTO and up the big apple!
They recently renovated the restaurant and interior and there is just about everything you could want to eat. We also checked out the new cider showroom (with free tasting!), the self-serve frozen yoghurt and chocolate section, and the AMAZING candy store. 
If you don’t want a crabby toddler, or to hear “Can I have that PUH-LEASE?” over and over, try and avert their eyes as you walk to the bathroom and past all that goodness!

Disclaimer: I don’t like apple pie. WHAT?!? I know.
*hanging head in shame*
I mean, I’ll eat it, but I’d prefer something else.
So while we left The Big Apple with NO apple pie, we did buy apple bread, candy, drinks, and chocolate!

My 7-year old has been asking every day “When can we go back to The Big Apple???” I don’t think he comprehends it is FOUR hours away 😉 Next trip!

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