parc des Mésanges pumptrack – NDIP

Newly opened in August 2018, NDIP’s pumptrack is the only one of its kind in the region, and allows BMX riders, mountain bikers, skateboarders, scooter riders and in-line skaters to develop their skills. It’s also a great spot to show off some wicked tricks 😉

There may not have been any tricks in my boys’ repertoire, but they did have a great time flying around the banked corners, up and down the rolling track, and finished off tired, smiling, and super-duper disgustingly sweaty. 
All signs of a good experience!

We’d actually come by at 7pm a couple of days after it opened and it was crazzzzzy busy, with lots of older teens doing impressive tricks, which while super entertaining to watch from the sidelines, was also quite intimidating to my 10-year old who just wanted to quietly try out the track with his new bike. So we ended up just watching and came back the following Saturday morning at 7:30am and were the only ones there for quite a while. I could see the relief on his face when we pulled up, knowing that he could just meander around and get used to it all without fear of being knocked down, or knocking someone else down. If you’re watching from the sidelines, keep your head up as we saw quite a couple of teens fly off the track. They were fine, but helmets and protective gear is a must. 
The five-year-old brought along his teeny-bike-with-training-wheels-and-streamers, but found riding the track next to impossible, as he couldn’t get enough power to go over the hills. So he amused himself by making piles of acorns beside the track.

The 180m asphalt pumptrack is right on the corner of Boulevard Perrot and Boulevard Don-Quichotte, and across the street from a Dep where you can get after-workout treats!
While you’re at Parc des Mésanges you can also visit the impressive skatepark, the splash pad, soccer fields, and there’s a chalet with bathrooms. If you’re here outside of the chalet opening hours there are also two porta-potties. You’ll find the bathrooms as well as drinking fountains nearer to Rue Aumais. Parking is available on Aumais and Don-Quichotte, though almost everyone was parking on the edge of the road near the pumptrack. If you’re new to the sport, or interested in learning more, the city hosts initiation sessions during the summer on Saturday afternoon between 1 & 2:30pm. They also lend balance bikes for 3 years and up, and BMX bikes for older kids and adults. The courses are open to everyone.
(But please, PLEASE check with the city before going as this was current as of summer 2019, and/or could also change depending on weather. 514-453-4128)

I couldn’t find the list of rules on the city’s website to link to, so in the meantime I’ve lifted it directly from their FB page, because I think it’s important to read before you go:

Le pumptrack est ouvert aujourd’hui dès 9 h. Il est situé dans le parc des Mésanges à Notre-Dame, à l’intersection des boul. Perrot et Don-Quichotte. Avant de vous élancer sur la piste, assurez-vous de bien lire les règlements!

La piste est accessible aux usagers de 5 ans et plus et peut accueillir les BMX, les trottinettes, les planches à rouler et les patins à roues alignées. La piste ne devrait pas être utilisée en cas de pluie.

Règlements :
– Vérifiez l’état de votre équipement. 
– L’utilisation du casque est obligatoire; les coudières et les genouillères sont fortement recommandées.
– Signifiez clairement vos intentions tout au long du parcours.
– Respectez le sens de la piste.
– Respectez les autres usagers et leur niveau d’expérience.

Responsabilités :
– Veuillez vous assurer de la présence d’une autre personne sur le site afin d’obtenir du secours en cas d’urgence.
– Les usagers ou de leurs tuteurs acceptent les risquent associés à la pratique de cette activité et en assument l’entière responsabilité.
– Tout comportement susceptible de générer un risque de blessure à autrui fera l’objet d’une exclusion immédiate.

Il est interdit :
– D’amener des animaux sur la piste.
– D’utiliser des matériaux ou des équipements non fixés ou permanents au site.
– De déverser sur la piste toute forme de produits ou déchets. 
– De consommer de l’alcool ou des drogues.
– D’utiliser un véhicule à moteur ou appareil propulsé sur la piste.

Tout usager est tenu de signaler toute dégradation ou bris d’équipement au 514 453-4128 option 0 ou [email protected]

Bon parcours !”

Do you know how hard it is to photograph moving bicycles, in shadows, on a gloomy day? Well now I know. 
Out of over ONE THOUSAND photos that I took, with a super fast shutter speed, and a great camera, these are about the only ones in any kind of focus. Gah. Enjoy the video. I rocked out while making it 😉

parc des Mésanges pumptrack from StrollerMom on Vimeo.


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