Tolhurst Park

This park recently underwent an extensive renovation, including new pathways, benches and huge tables, and landscaping; but the playground is…ok.

Not that the equipment is bad, or broken, it’s just that with the newness of the rest of the park, this section now looks like it needs some updating.

We parked right on Tolhurst and then went through the gate of the fenced playground. Great that it’s fully fenced and gated at the road, but there IS one small open section towards the middle of the park and the path.
We met the loveliest lady and her daughter and both our toddlers practiced their numbers in French and English while they swung together in the baby swings.
“Un, deux, six, sept! Yeah!” (We’re working on it 😉 )
Then they toddled over to the smaller GameTime play structure, which is actually a pretty good size, and went up and down the Fat Pipe ladder, the staircase, and tried out the other ladders and platforms. Zip, zip down the slide and it was off the to the other side where they looked forlornly at the big climber. No easy way to get up for little ones, but bigger kids will be able to scale the climbing wall and the various rungs and ladders.

Le Bulletin d'Ahuntsic-Cartierville Vol. 12, no 2, AUTOMNE, HIVER 2015-16

Le Bulletin d’Ahuntsic-Cartierville
Vol. 12, no 2, AUTOMNE, HIVER 2015-16

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