Rockhill Park

An updated post originally from 2015:

This park is neat, and also weird. And unfortunately, filthy. Beaconsfield needs to invest in a pressure washer. 

What I liked, sort of, were the various play structures. The big kid climber from Landscape Structures’ Playbooster® line has tons of climbing, scaling, monkey-bar-ing, sliding, and zip-lining features, including the Trapeze Horizontal Ladder. Note that the whole thing should be replaced, or at least cleaned, sanded and painted. Gr-oss.
Right beside are some brand new in 2017 swings which include baby, adult, and adaptive swings, and a new-to-us saucer swing that could fit quite a few kids. 
You’d think “this is it!”. But head on up the hill (should be good for winter sledding) and there’s a hidden-from-the-road toddler park! We had parked on Beaurepaire Drive, and from the road, it’s fairly impossible to see that section of the park.

The toddler playground has two climbers: The (really, really dirty) Playshaper® climber from Landscape Structures has slides, a tunnel, stairs, a steering wheel, the Cozy Climber arched ladder, and a ground level tic-tac-toe panel. 
The tiny climber from Miracle Recreation has some Bongo Steps to climb, a small platform, the Tot Rock Climber and a small slide.
There is also an animal spring-rider that no longer springs, a fairly broken sand-digger, a balance beam, baby swings, and…..a toddler jail. Honestly, that’s what the ground level monkey bar type doodad looked like!

There is a bit of fencing around the toddler section (though it’s basically open) and some trees for shade, while the larger climber is near the road and in full morning sun (but with large trees on the west side).

Oh ya, so what I DIDN’T like here is that the play equipment was gross looking. Not just like a few spiderwebs gross, but dirty, needing paint and repairs, and what looked like half-washed-off graffiti gross. My older one also said of the adaptive swing: “It’s cool they put this, but how is anyone in a wheelchair supposed to GET to it? That’s mean.”
Because again, Beaconsfield has put an adaptive swing in a completely NON-accessible spot. Here it’s down a hill, across the grass, and in sand. 
Note that there’s a chalet, but it’ll never be open. 

Toddler park (2-5)
Fenced toddler park
Baby swings
Big kid park (5-12)
Big kid swings
Parking lot
Street parking
Water fountain
Picnic tables
Seasonal Bathrooms
Green space
Soccer fields
Baseball field
Tennis courts
Splash pad
Reduced mobility swings
Dep nearby

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