Ronald-Moreau Park

We were last here in…2015?!? What? The little one was SO SMALL!

2015. Awwwwwwww

Fast forward and he’s now 10, his big brother is 15 (sob!), and we were back at this park to see its total transformation. 
What previously seemed more of a toddler-focused playground has been changed into a multi-use area, with a play structure that’s geared to older kids, a very, very cute (but tiny) basketball “court” that was missing the net (?), a new ping-pong table, and  a couple of great inclusive elements including a tandem Expression Swing with an adaptive seat with a 5-point harness, and a fun accessible spinner. 

The new climber from Earthscape is a delight, and had both my bid kids crawling all over. I particularly like the net that’s hung between logs like a little nest. Just steps away is a teeny-tiny log pile with a similar net that younger kids could play on. But, besides that and the baby swing, well, that’s about it for younger kids. 

Now don’t get me wrong and write me hate mail, I love all the different products that are here, but it seems a bit…off for what’s a small neighbourhood playground. I’d be curious to know what local families think.
Things to note:

  • There’s a drinking fountain.
  • Definitely no bathroom.
  • While the playground area used to be fully fenced and gated, there is now only fencing about halfway around. The rest is open to the road. 
  • Parking is available on Maheu or O’Grady, but NOT on Bldv. Dr.-Frederik-Philips.

So funny, I wrote the following part back in 2015, and we again visited this park after a trip to IKEA, and had cinnamon buns with us: This park is right off of Cavendish and about a 3 minute drive from IKEA. So if your kids are needing to burn off some energy after unwillingly following you around looking for a cushion to “tie the room together”, stop by here for a bit! Bring the 6-pack of cinnamon buns 🙂


  • Hello,

    We would like to congratulate you on your blog. We are certain that it will be very useful to other families in order to find a park that meets their needs.

    In addition, in reading your review of Parc Ronald-Moreau, we noticed an error on our Internet site. You are right in saying that there are no water games, but rather children’s playgrounds. A correction has been made to the site. We therefore wish to thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    If you agree, we would like to use some of your photos on our website or on our social media accounts.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further details about our parks or green spaces.

    Have a good day!

    • StrollerMom says:

      Hello Ville Saint-Laurent and thank-you for the kind words. The website is certainly about making it easier for parents and kids to find parks and playgrounds that suit them, as not everyone wants a huge climber, or something geared to toddlers etc. We love all parks and are really enjoying Saint-Laurent right now!
      I’ll change the description for Ronald-Moreau, thank you for updating your site!
      You may also want to change the description for Philippe-Laheurte to include “water games” in the East playground near Cavendish.
      And, I’ve just sent an email through the city’s website saying that the sensor to turn on the water at Gohier park (great park by the way!) was not functional this morning (July 28th)

      You may certainly use my photos as long as they are credited to “” or “Christine Latreille” and/or link to the site.


      p.s. Can you put “Hours of Operation” for the wading pools and water games/splash pads on your “parks” page?

  • Leora says:

    This park has been updated! It has these wooden log structures now

    • StrollerMom says:

      I literally tried going yesterday to take all new pictures, but got turned back by all the construction! 🙁 Will try again at the end of June…

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