des Bécassines Park

What a cute little neighbourhood park! Driving along on Boulevard du Domaine, the GPS chirped out “You’ve arrived at your destination!”, but all we saw was a small soccer field and were like “Wah??”
Peering around a bit, we spied the adorable bridge with the park just beyond. Score!
We were going to trot across the bridge, but skidded to a stop to read the information panel. And it’s really interesting, so you should stop too! Turns out the bridge crosses a body of water (stream?) that’s used as spawning grounds for “le grand brochet” which I’m pretty sure are northern pike. So make sure you don’t muck about in the water so as not to disturb the eggs. 
THEN we trotted across the bridge, and came to the nicely treed and shady playground. There’s some good equipment here including an interesting seesaw/bouncy (2021 update, it’s since been removed), a sand shovel, baby and big-kid swings, and a play structure that should be good for toddlers (there are stairs) as well as older kids. And thanks to Melissa for letting me know that a couple of hammocks have been added to the trees.

We had a potty break in the porta-pottie at the soccer field, and then took a long and leisurely drive along Boulevard Perrot. 
I’m really loving this island and it’s a great place for a half-day of driving, farmers’ markets, and park hopping. Also, gorgeous water views!



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