We visited this little park quite a while ago (hence the lack of leaves on the trees), and I just got around to writing about it. Oops!
So while there’s a cute splash pad from Waterplay Solutions, we didn’t have a chance to see it with the water on. There are however: ground sprays, the misty frog to run through, a wavy flower, and tall cat tail sprayers. It’s on a concrete base that dips quite a lot in the middle towards the drain, and is surrounded by a bit of grass, benches, and a picnic table.
Right in the middle of the park is a chalet, but there was no indication of whether there’s a bathroom inside (and it was locked), so if someone knows, let me know please!
We toddled past the sand box to the playground which is on wood chips, and the little one bolted for the wooden train. And then stopped. He loooooooves the train at Surrey Park in Dorval, but this one was a bit too splintery and tight to get into, so with a shrug, he ran over to the play structure instead.
Side note: Toddlers are curious and frightening creatures. You never know if something is going to freak them right out, or they’ll just go “whatever” and move on to the next thing. Thankfully in this case, it was the latter!
The structure by GameTime is great for toddlers. There are easy-to-climb stairs up to the small double slides, small pods to climb, ladders, a moving chain ladder, and a small climbing wall. Just beside are two baby and two big-kid swings.
Things to note:
-The splash pad hours of operation are: 9am-9pm.
The park is partially fenced, but with quite a few openings to the street, and there should be some good shade in the summer.