Pélican Park

Parenting lesson: Don’t promise your toddler sheep when you haven’t checked the sheep schedule. 

Last year I read about the sheep who were going to be spending the summer at this park and made a mental note to make sure to visit. On August 8th of last year we trekked out to Rosemont-La-Petite-Patrie so we could “oooooh and awwwww” over the cuteness, and were ONE DAY LATE. Yup, we missed the sheep by ONE DAY. 
I guess I should have read which day they were leaving. *SOB*
But, they’re coming back for the summer of 2018! Phew. Hopefully we’ll make it back, but in the meantime here is our park review, minus any sheep.

This was a funny park. It’s got all this nice new furniture in what was formerly the wading pool, a cool ping pong table and lovely plants and an amazing chalet (with the nicest park bathroom we’ve seen), yet the playground was pretty “meh.”
It’s ok, just rather dated, and could use an overhaul. 
There’s a fenced and gated toddler area (on sand) with baby swings, a little ground-level puppet theatre, spring riders, and a play structure with stairs, slides, and that steep dangerous bridge that we always hate. 
Just on the other side of the fence is the section for older kids with four adult swings, and a structure with all sorts of ways to climb, and an interesting ships’ bow. 

We played a bit, and then wandered around the rest of the park. The little one was super interested in the beautifully painted shipping container (it holds park equipment), we looked at where the sheep HAD been, saw the wintertime sledding hill (there’s a dog park on the other side), used the fancy bathroom, watched some people playing horseshoes, and peeked through the fence at the sparkly pool and wading pool. 

You can read more about the sheep project HERE and HERE
And you can keep up to date with the sheep’s schedule by following the Biquette à Montréal Facebook page.
You can see the sheep daily from 11am-6pm (they said those are the best times) from June 3rd until August 15th. The sheep graze during the day, and rest in a mobile barn at night, always under the watchful eye of a shepherd. 

Info for the borough’s pools and wading pools can be found HERE.

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