L.-O.-Taillon Park & Promenade Bellerive

We visited the L.-O.-Taillon playground, and then spent another hour wandering along the waterfront, watched GIANT cargo ships going up the river, read the interpretive signs, had a snack at one of the many picnic tables, watched birds in nesting boxes, and sat on the pier and looked at more boats. 

The L.-O.-Taillon Playground is located beside the Piscine Paul-Émile-Sauvageau and is just steps from the large Parc de la Promenade-Bellerive. If you’re looking for a longer adventure, you can take a ferry ride (with your bicycle) across to the Parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville. There you can rent canoes and kayaks, bike or walk the 21kms of trails, or try some fishing. You can find all the info for the ferry HERE. (Scroll down to the Montreal Promenade Bellerive – Parc Ile Charron section.)

But, back to the playground! Completely renovated in 2014, the park has beach volleyball courts (with a misting fountain to cool off in), a ton of picnic tables (including three accessible tables), and of course there are the play areas. 
You’ll find some interesting equipment here, with a decidedly nautical theme. Everything is on sand, and the two sections are close to each other.
Older kids can get tangled in the rope structure, climb the high rock-climbing wall to the tall slides, or try out one of the three different kinds of spinners. 

Toddlers will love the large “boat” structure with its sails, great staircase, tons of ladders, ground-level crawl tube, slides, and boulder to climb. Nearby are musical instruments to bang on, as well as four baby swings. 

Things to note:
-There’s NO shade over the playground. 
-If you’re taking the ferry across to the national park, the ferry dock is located  at the intersection of rue Notre-Dame and  l’avenue Mercier, to the east of the L.-H.-Lafontaine tunnel. 
-The 2.2km of biking/walking trails along the Parc de la Promenade-Bellerive are currently being renovated. If you’re coming here to bike, call the city beforehand to check the progress.
-There are TONS of picnic tables, and lots of room to run around. It’s a great spot for a picnic.
-For the pool (which is universally accessible) and wading pool/splash pad hours and info, you can click HERE, or call the pool. The splash pad is within boundaries of the pool and follows its opening hours. 
-I parked on the circle at the base of Avenue Meese and Rue Bellerive. There is no parking lot nearby so you’ll have to find side streets.
-From the park, walk east along the river and there’s a lovely (wheelchair accessible) lookout over the water. Great for boat watching. 
-There is a porta-potty right near the playground. You could also ask (nicely) to use the pool washroom.

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