Philippe-Laheurte Park (Part 1)

This park was so good we’re going again tomorrow! (edited to add: And we did! And I went in the splash pad fully clothed, which I don’t suggest you do…)
p.s. make sure to check out Philippe-Laheutre Park (Part 2) as there is ANOTHER playground way down the same park.

This playground has a good toddler section with roughly 17,000 different things to play on, a challenging big climber with all sorts of stuff, AND a great splash pad. 

I always think that Saint-Laurent is SO FAR from our house on the West Island, but then it takes 13 minutes and EVERY TIME I’m all “hey, that was really quick!” 

The toddler area (all on sand) has a big climber by Kompan with wide stairs, slides, a rope wall, binoculars, hand holds, ground level sand table….basically, there are things all over and it’s easy to climb for even the smallest kids. There is another stand-alone slide, also by Kompan, and this one also has a staircase. Yeah for making it so little-kid friendly!
Then there are all the little spring riders, a spinner bowl, a giant seesaw for multiple kids, sand diggers (one was broken), and the cutest little play house. I got a “muffin” from the restaurant my guy set up. And then 8 coffee refills!

The seven baby and one adaptive swing are set on wood chips, while everything else is on sand. The concrete walkway changes into a ramp right near the adaptive swing, which seems handy, but then there’s wood chips…..
There are also a ton of big swings. 

Then….there’s the big climber. This one is by GameTime and is tall with a super steep slide, ladders, monkey bars, a twirly slide, and a rope bridge leading to the huge spider web from Berliner. Cool. 

There’s a balance skateboard, and the “hang on!” Icarus spinner, both from German company Conlastic. 

Watching the MASSIVE “Mega Soaker” by Waterplay Solutions Corp fill and dump out 55 gallons of water is crazy fun. The pictures and video don’t do justice to just how big it is. But it was like bathtub size. There are also three shooting nozzles, little tornado tubes (the I-Spy Storm), a misty tunnel, some gentle fountains from the ground, and harder jets. It’s big and fun. The splash pad is close to the playground but just not close enough if you’ve got little kids who want to be in both places at once. I put a ton of pictures in the photo gallery because there was just so much to do.  

Things to note:
-The water is on from 9:00am to 9:00pm every day. Touch the sensor to turn on the water sequence.
-There are lots of benches in the middle so you can watch both play areas. 
-This park was easy to get to with tons of street parking right in front. There is some fencing but no gates and a complete lack of ANY SHADE. Some big trees here, or even those permanent sails would make such a huge difference. 
-When we visited there was a porta-potty just outside the splash pad and playground area, and a water fountain right by the swings. 

Saint-Laurent – Philippe-Laheurte Park Splash Pad from StrollerMom on Vimeo.


  • Adriana says:

    Thanks for doing all this research!! I have 3 boys (6,4,2) and have been frustrated by the lack of information about Montreal parks. I saw your piece on Our Montreal and have been pouring over your posts ever since!
    Ps it is also nice to see you are finding the smaller local parks (we live on de Breslay).
    So, thanks again,

    • StrollerMom says:

      Thanks so much Adriana! I thought I had finished all the PC parks last year, but a friend told me about de Breslay because it didn’t show up anywhere, so we just went to it last week!
      We’re aiming to do ALL the parks (and have pretty much done ALL of them on the West Island), and not JUST the big and impressive parks. Some of the small neighbourhood parks are my favourites.
      p.s. Near you, PC is redoing Clearpoint and Fifth parks starting the end of this summer 🙂

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