Curé-Provost Park

While not the most ideal location for a park on this very busy street, I suppose it’s nice for the adjacent homes and apartments to have a playground nearby.
It’s fairly loud because of the cars, and with the playground only half fenced and then open to the road, it’s not the safest if you have tiny runners.

There is one GameTime climber here and kids of various ages were enjoying it. There are stairs going up to a small slide, and then the more adventurous can cross the open bridge steps to the higher slide. There is also a small (slightly broken) rock climbing wall, ladders, and the Clover Leaf Climber with wide “petals” to climb.

There’s also a ride-on metal motorcycle, a two-kid dinosaur, and a little spinny seat. No swings at all and just a couple of benches.
It’s all on wood chips, and was unfortunately pretty trash littered when we were there one evening. 

There are some nice trees along the north edge but it might be pretty sunny in the morning. 

And while there’s a fountain right beside 2nd Avenue, it’s purely aesthetic and is NOT for wading or splashing in 😉

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