Félix-Leclerc Park

Gar! I have terrible timing. 
We came last fall when the water at the splash pad was ON, but it was full of kids and the pictures I could take were really ugly and the sky was overcast and made me sad. (see sad face here → 🙁 )
Sooooo, I came back this year because I was nearby (sort of, but not really), and the water wasn’t yet on. 

But rest assured, the splash pad by Waterplay is beautiful, and has a great view of the picnic area, fields, and nearby playground. It’s quite sculptural with stone benches circling the water area, and metal ring-a-doos™ near the stairs. The tall jazz players spray from up high, and there are water cannons and ground jets. 

This giant park underwent a ton of renovations a few years ago, expect for the playground. Which was for some reason left as-is. 
So while the rest of the park is really nice, the playground is rather ho-hum. 
Parts that were renovated include a soccer field, beach volleyball and basketball courts, picnic tables and benches, paths and lighting, an adult and senior exercise circuit, sledding hill, and a large dog park.

The playground is alright. There’s a fairly new and interesting play structure from Playworld that is colourful and has lots to climb, swing from, and spin on. Just beside are a stand-alone twirly slide and six adult swings. 
The toddler area has an older climber with a crawl tunnel, slides and ladders, and there are eight baby swings nearby. 
Both areas are on sand. 

Things to note:
-There are no posted hours for this splash pad on the city’s website, but the borough’s other parks are on from 8am-11pm.
-The chalet with bathrooms is open according to these hours:
Samedi et dimanche – 10 h à 20 h
Lundi au jeudi – 6 h 30 à 22 h 30
Vendredi – 10 h à 20 h 30
-Neither the splash pad or the playground are fenced. Well, the playground has some fencing, but is mostly open. 
-There is ZERO shade over the playground or the splash pad. 
-This park underwent a large renovation back in 2015-2016. You can read about it HERE.

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